
C365-RB8077 - 4D (T4 Twin Scroll | A/R 1.05 | 19cm2 | 3.5' V-Flange)

1.147,50 € 1.350,00 €

Ball bearing



  Target power Max power
Pump gas  600 - 1150 hp  1250 hp
E85 600 - 1200 hp 1300 hp




You have chosen the following product variant:
C365-RB8077: - 4D (T4 Twin Scroll | A/R 1.05 | 19cm2 | 3.5' V-Flange)

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80mm compressor wheel inducer,  forged billet 7 + 7 wheel and double ball bearing - it dosnt get much better than this if you are looking for target power above +1100hp and still want good response! This one is "male"

Price includes turbo and turbine housing as well as turbine inlet gasket, oil inlet nipple and oil outlet gasket.


  Compressor Turbine
Wheel inducer  80 mm  88 mm
Wheel exducer 110mm 77.5 mm
Wheel blades 7+7 Billet 10 Inconel
Housing inlet 5' Hose connection


Turbine options:

4D T4 Twin scroll inlet | 19cm2 | 1.05 A/R | 3.5' V-flange outlet


Housing outlet 3' V-band connection


Double ball bearing cartridges

Oil inlet includes internal restrictor for correct oil mist supply



Product data sheet